Dorian LPG successfully closed its initial public offering on May 13, 2014 at an offer price of $19 per share.
Dorian LPG’s common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol LPG. The CUSIP number for Dorian LPG’s common stock is Y2106R110.
Dorian LPG currently does not have a direct purchase program. Dorian LPG common stock can be purchased through a broker of a financial institution that deals in securities.
ComputerShare is our transfer agent and can be contacted at:
ComputerShare 211 Quality Circle, Suite 210 College Station, TX 77845
Web: Shareholder online inquires: U.S. Toll Free: 877-373-6374 Outside the U.S.: 1 781-575-2879
Current and historical stock price information is available on our website at this link.
A list of Dorian LPG’s board members with their biographies can be found on our website here.
Information on Dorian LPG’s management team can be found here.
You can view Dorian LPG’s Corporate Governance documents here.
You can register to automatically receive email alerts concerning Dorian LPG’s recent SEC filings or notifications of important announcements and events using our online registration form.
Dorian LPG is required to file periodic reports electronically with the SEC through Edgar. These publicly disclosed electronic documents can be found on the SEC Edgar website,, or on the Dorian LPG’s website here.
Dorian LPG’s fiscal year ends March 31.
Yes, copies of these documents are available on our website at this link.
Please contact us or submit your inquiry to us using our online form.
Dorian LPG (USA) LLC 27 Signal Road, Stamford, Connecticut 06902 USA
Tel: +1 203-674-9900
Dorian LPG Management Corp 24 Poseidonos Avenue, 17674 Kallithea Greece
Tel: : +30 210-4190130
Dorian LPG (DK) ApSOvergaden Oven Vandet 62A,3rd Floor,1415 Copenhagen,Denmark
Tel: +45 6915 9012
Helios LPG Pool LLC C/O MOL Energia Pte Ltd, 5, Shenton Way, #16-06, Uic Building Singapore 068808
Tel: +65 6499 8940 Fax: +65 6327 9639
We are always looking for highly skilled individuals to be a part of our team.
Dorian LPG has both Shoreside and Onboard positions.